Sunday, February 16, 2014

How to avoid errno 1593 in MySQL 5.6


Here is how to avoid the errno: 1593 in MySQL 5.6
Errno: 1593
Fatal error: The slave I/O thread stops because master and slave
have equal MySQL server UUIDs; these UUIDs must be different for
replication to work.
This errno can occur from version 5.6 and later.

Starting 5.6, when starting MySQL the server generate a UUID to help replication teatures.
If the file auto.cnf located in /var/lib/mysql exists it will read it otherwise it will create a new one.

When creating a replica/Slave, you have to do a cold backup of the Master to the Replica/Slave.
Once to done the copy just make sure that you remove the auto.cnf file and you won't have the error.

If you are getting the error,
  •  Stop your MySQL,
  • Remove the auto.cnf file 
  • Restart MySQL.


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